CME Providers Listing

Institutions/Organizations that are accredited by the Maine Medical Association as Providers of Continuing Medical Education

The Maine Medical Association currently accredits 13 institutions/organizations throughout the State of Maine. Recognition as an accredited institution provides medical staff with an opportunity to receive quality educational programming designed to meet nationally accepted standards. In addition, accredited institutions help physicians fulfill their continuing medical education requirements for medical relicensure.

The following list of hospitals and related health care organizations accredited by the Maine Medical Association's Committee on Continuing Medical Education and Accreditation is current as of March 2022. Organizations wishing to become accredited should contact Elizabeth Ciccarelli, Director of Continuing Medical Education, by email, or at 207-480-4186 to request an accreditation application package or visit the Become a CME Provider page.


For Medical Professionals

For CME Accredited Providers
CME Providers Listing
Become a CME Provider
Downloads - Accredited Providers

For CME Surveyors
Surveyors Listing
Downloads - Surveyors

For CME Activity Approval
Maine Medical Education Trust
MMET Overview
MMET Activity Downloads

Resources for CME Planners