Types of Peer Reviews

When you order a peer review, we will take the time to understand the unique issues of your hospital/facility, and help you to determine the best option that meets your needs. We help you to address issues that may involve a single case, a procedure, or the activities of an entire practice or department.  

  • Credentialing Reviews:  Off-site reviews with no identified issues.  These work well, particularly in small, rural hospitals, to comply with CMS and FPPE/OPPE Joint Commission standards.
  • Focused Review:  Off-site review of one case for a particular provider. May be in response to the facility's concern about a single patient case or procedure.  
  • Clinical Reviews:  On-site departmental review, providing objective analysis of all aspects of clinical care.   The on-site visit provides the reviewers with further insight into potential issues and can assist them in making recommendations
