Maine Physicians Action Fund
What is MPAF?
MPAF is a nonpartisan political action committee established by the Maine Medical Association. MPAF works to support and elect pro-medicine candidates in Augusta and across Maine. MPAF works on the Federal level with AMPAC, the AMA's political action committee. AMPAC supports medicine-friendly candidates across the country who are seeking election to the U.S. Congress.
Who is MPAF?
MPAF is comprised of physician members of the Maine Medical Association and their spouses.
Why join MPAF?
Medicare Cuts… Maintaining Patient Relationship… Health Insurance Reform… Provider Taxes...Non-Physician Health Care Providers…
All of these issues affect a physician's ability to practice medicine. Legislators in Maine and in Washington D.C. are making it more and more difficult to maintain control of your practice. You need to remain in the driver's seat! Legislators need to hear from you before they make decisions that affect you and your ability to practice medicine.
Reasons for Supporting MPAF
- MPAF is the only organized group advocating on your behalf in Maine.
- MPAF is experienced and successful. Over 50% of the candidates MPAF supported were elected to the state legislature!
- Without medicine-friendly candidates in the state legislature, legislation that effectively reins in managed care companies would not have been achieved.
- MPAF needs your help to have the resources to make an impact when it is needed.