MMET Activity Downloads
This page was last updated August 15, 2024.
The Maine Medical Education Trust is now the Hanley Center for Health Leadership and Education. Please use the new CME Activity Approval Program webpage on the Hanley Center website to access materials. Changes to important documents have been made and are available on this page but all documents on the Hanley Center page are updated with the new name. Please be sure to download new Faculty Disclosure Forms and update all statements with the new name.
Follow the instructions on this page and in the Hanley Center Guide to the CME Activity Approval Process (updated 8/15/2024) to submit an activity for CME approval through the Hanley Center. Note that all materials required for approval must be submitted before an activity can be approved. The Hanley Center cannot approve CME after the activity has taken place.
Use the CME Activity Application Checklist (updated 12/11/23) to help ensure all the required materials have been submitted.
For MOC: Reference the MMET Guide to the CME with MOC Application (updated 12/21/2023) for activities that are offering MOC and the ACCME CME for MOC Program Guide (11/27/2023).
For Enduring Materials: Use the Enduring Material CME Activity Application Checklist (updated 12/11/23) to make sure all of the necessary materials and requirements are met for enduring materials.
For Faculty Development Credit: Reference the Guide to Faculty Development Credit (1/23/2024) and complete and submit the Faculty Development Credit Application (1/23/2024).
Applying for CME Approval
- Beginning in 2024, all organization providing CME activities through the Hanley Center must review, sign, and submit a copy of the Joint Providership Agreement (8/15/2024). Once a copy is on file, it does not need to be submitted with subsequent CME Activity Applications.
Activities being requested for approval within two weeks of the activity start date are subject to a late fee.
An invoice will be sent if payment does not accompany the activity.
- Reference the List of Desirable Physician Attributes for determining the competencies the activity addresses.
- Definition of Ineligible and Eligible Companies for reference.
An Hanley Center Faculty Disclosure Form - Fillable PDF is now available (PDF - updated 8/15/2024)
The first page needs to be completed by each planner, presenter, and reviewer. The second page contains necessary definitions and information that need to be shared with individuals completing the form. Note that an "ineligible company" is the new term for "commercial interest".
Reference the Standard 3 Flowchart for steps and helpful information for adhering to Standard 3 of the Standards for Integrity and Independence: Identifying, Mitigating, and Disclosing Relevant Financial Relationships. You can also reference ACCME's Worksheet for the Identification and Mitigation of Relevant Financial Relationships.
6. Mitigation Form
- If there are relevant financial relationships, complete the Mitigation Form to document how each relevant financial relationship was mitigated. These steps should be taken prior to planning and/or presenting. If there were no relevant financial relationships, the mitigation form does not need to be completed.
When disclosing relevant financial relationships to learners, disclosures must be made for all planners, presenters, and everyone in control of content for the activity. If relevant financial relationships exist, the following must be disclosed to learners: the name of the individual, the name of the company, and the nature of the relationship and the statement that "All relevant financial relationships have been mitigated."
If none of the individuals in control of content had relevant financial relationships, the following statement should be made (or one with similar wording) that accounts for all individuals: "None of the planners or speakers for this activity have relevant financial relationships to disclose."
See the Template and Examples for Financial Relationship Disclosures (updated 3/28/2023) that includes example slides that can also be shared with presenters.
- If commercial support is being received from an ineligible company, signed agreements must be submitted. The agreement(s) must be submitted with signatures from the joint provider and the ineligible company (commercial supporter). The agreements should outline the conditions of the support, maintaining control of all decisions about the content and the activity to the provider. Use the Hanley Center Commercial Support Letter of Agreement. Letters of agreement or commercial support trackers are not required for support that comes from eligible companies.
- The use of monies should follow the rules outlined in Standard 4 of the Standards for Integrity and Independence and a Commercial Support Tracker (updated 7/24/2023) must be submitted with post-activity materials that details how the monies were spent. Receipts should be available upon request. Example of completed Commercial Support Tracker.
- Disclosure of Commercial Support will need to be made to learners prior to their engagement with educational material. The disclosure must be in a verifiable format and will need to be submitted with the application and/or post-activity materials. Disclosures must not include the ineligible companies' corporate or product logos, trade names, or product group messages.
Submit an agenda if there are multiple speakers or sessions for the activity.
The brochure/agenda submitted for approval should include the Joint Providership Statement and the AMA Credit Designation Statement to check for accuracy. If the activity is seeking approval for Opioid Prescribing CME, it should also include this statement. However, materials containing CME statements cannot be distributed to learners until after the activity has been approved. Reference the Statements for Materials - Joint Providers document (updated 8/15/2024) for all applicable statements.
The Template for Credit and Joint Providership Statements contains slides that can be shared with presenters.
Please note that whenever referring to CME Credit, the entire AMA phrase should be used and italicized: AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)TM
Reference the Announcement Requirements document for instructions and details.
- Enduring Materials must submit a PDF copy of the landing page from which learners will access the material or provide a link to the landing page. The Landing Page must be free from advertisements and include the Joint Providership Statement, AMA Credit Designation Statement, Disclosure to Learners, and Bibliographic Resources.
- The CME Provider Passport Mark can be included on promotional and learning materials intended for learners. The Mark is downloadable from the ACCME website, which also contains language that can be used to accompany the mark. A CME Passport Flyer (updated 8/15/2023) can be distributed to learners to provide information about this new system.
This Generic Evaluation Form (updated 8/15/2024) may be adapted to suit the needs of the activity, organization, and measurements desired. However, learners must be asked about the changes they intend to make in their practices as a result of this educational activity. The Generic CME with MOC Evaluation Form (updated 8/15/2024) can also be modified for activities offering MOC.
Online evaluation forms are acceptable, but a copy of the form to be used must still be submitted.
The evaluation form should contain the Joint Providership Statement, the AMA Credit Designation Statement, and the Opioid Prescribing Education Statement as applicable.
The evaluation form should collect the name of the individual, their credentials, date of birth (MM/DD), State of Licensure, License ID, an option to agree to have the Hanley Center report CME credits earned on their behalf, and the number of credits they claim from the activity.
If requesting MOC, also collect and submit the date of birth for each attendee requesting MOC and their Board ID Number.
Consent forms can be used as a method for collecting learner consent to report CME and/or MOC Credits. These are best if you will have the same learners participate in multiple sessions/activities. Example CME and MOC Reporting Consent Form (08/15/2024). Evaluations will still need to be used to collect learner change data.
This template can be used and adjusted to suit your needs but must include the title, dates, type of activity, space for the name of the individual, the number of credits claimed, the AMA Credit Designation Statement, Joint Providership Statement, Opioid Prescribing Education Statement if applicable, and the maximum number of CMEs for the activity.
Only MDs and DOs can be awarded AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM, but if there are non-physician participants who would like to receive a Certificate of Participation (updated 8/15/2024) to use for their own certification purposes, this form may be used and modified to include the information for the activity and learner. If creating a unique form, please see the Statements for Materials - Joint Providers document (updated 8/15/2024) for the statement to include on their certificate.
The document Who Can Accept AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM includes a list of professions that utilize AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM for recertification purposes.
During the Activity
After the Activity
- Complete this spreadsheet first for physicians who want to be awarded CME for the activity AND have given their permission for the Hanley Center to report their earned credits. Complete columns A-I for these individuals (leaving column B blank).
- Then, include the other learners who participated in the activity and any physicians who are claiming CME who did not agree to have their credits reported directly to the boards. Complete columns C-E and column I for these individuals. Please highlight these individuals in red to indicate that they should not be included in the report to the State of Maine Boards.
- View this Example of the Physicians Claiming CME Spreadsheet that also contains further tips for completing the spreadsheet.
- Commercial Support Tracker to account for how the monies or in-kind support was allocated. There are restrictions to how monetary grants from ineligible companies may be disbursed. Refer to Standard 4: Manage Commercial Support Appropriately of the Standards for Integrity and Independence for the details of these restrictions.
- Proof of Commercial Support Disclosure to Learners (e.g., a slide that presented the disclosure, disclosure on a sign in sheet) that identifies the ineligible company that gave the support and the nature of the support if it was in-kind. This disclosure must be presented to learners prior to their engagement with the educational content of the activity. The disclosure must not contain the ineligible companies' corporate or product logos, trade names, or product group messages.
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